Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Wednesday 17th April - update...

Firstly a very big welcome to any girls from Putney High junior school who have logged on to see how our nest box is coming along. If our Blue Tit lays eggs and they hatch I will be coming into an assembly to show you some clips and tell you what I have learnt about these amazing birds. I'm looking forward to that very much.

Secondly, a regular viewer from Sheffield asked a question I meant to answer the other day but forgot. What was the bird doing pecking so much a few days ago - she appears to want to become a woodpecker?! The answer is she is drilling out any soft wood to check that the box she has chosen is sound. Blue Tit nests are very vulnerable to Jays, squirrels, weasels and other predators, and that is all part of the prospecting process.

Our first video clips today is from very early this morning. Our roosting female has been hard at it building the nest for the last few days and wants a lie in. The male however is ready to start the day at 5:30am. He was caught having just paid a visit, and moves outside to serenade her. Several minutes later (don't worry, I've edited them out) he's still sticking his head in to try and get her up. She is having none of it...

And to finish, a slow motion clip (half speed) of some nest building action. I have slowed it down so you can see the material she is bringing in. Some more fascinating behaviour I've not seen before - she is jumping up and down on the nest. Is she knocking it into shape, or just bouncing on the bed for fun?!

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